Five animated film shorts by 2nd year Digital Animation
students at Technological University of the Shannon School
of Art and Design Clonmel campus. Each year, the students
create a 2-minute film on the festival theme. Our Legacy X Next
films are Odyssey, Connections, Dearcadh Difriuil, The Last Star,
and As The Crow Flies.
Films will also be screened throughout festival week in South
Tipp Arts Centre.
Five animated film shorts by 2nd year Digital Animation
students at Technological University of the Shannon School
of Art and Design Clonmel campus. Each year, the students
create a 2-minute film on the festival theme. Our Legacy X Next
films are Odyssey, Connections, Dearcadh Difriuil, The Last Star,
and As The Crow Flies.
Films will also be screened throughout festival week in South
Tipp Arts Centre.